Complex Temporal Profile Fitting in MatLab (Lifetime Mapping in Time-resolved Transient Absorption Microscope (TAM) Images)

I tried to put together a demo file and project to demonstrate the procedure to undergo to map the lifetime or amplitude or etc to transient absorption images. The work was published in July 2020 that helped to shed light on grain boundaries relaxation dynamics.

The matlab file “TAM_Image_Proc_20200421.mlx” is the main code and I tried to comment it as much as I can for extra clarity. the fitting model that used in this project takes into acount two exponentials with rise feature, baseline, tail offset, cross-phase modulation (coherent artifact). All the the prameters can be set fixed or fitted. This code helped me to do large data processing like a snap and I hope it can helps others for their specific application somehow.

All the codes, and demo files are available here

Additionally for reading, saving and showing tiff files I used the two following MatLab packages

Written on December 12, 2021