Fast Bidirectional Data Communication Between LabVIEW and Python

I have put together a demo project that passes JSON object between LabVIEW and Python over UDP socket. There are several advantages here compare to my previous demo.
LabVIEW Python JSON Over UDP

Passing JSON object allows for serializing and deserializing natively in python and LabVIEW. The Data can be labeled and fetched on the other end by calling the label. Any data type can be passed in one object. This is simple demo that shows sending and receiving a double array, integer, boolean and string between LabVIEW and Python. The code snippet from both ends is shown above. To run this code you just need to run the LabVIEW code. The Python console will open and shows the recieved data on python side. It is done with running the python code by calling the windows commandline from inside LabVIEW.

Written on June 30, 2023